Making Phased Landscape Design Work for You

Renovating your landscaping or creating all new landscaping around a just-built home can feel overwhelming. If you’d like to take the project in smaller chunks, consider a phased landscape design. This type of approach can also help you with budgeting time and money.


First things first: It’s best to start with a master plan for the whole yard. This plan, created by a landscape designer, envisions the big picture for all aspects of your landscaping. Starting with a goal in mind allows you to choose which phases to tackle first. It should also help you avoid situations like having to dig up already planted beds to run plumbing and electric for an outdoor kitchen. 

Where to Start

To create a comprehensive landscape plan, Seiler’s clients work with our designers to map out a complete vision of their dream landscaping. From there, we work with our crews to put the plan in motion. 

So where should you start? A good rule of thumb would be to begin with what best increases the “value” of your home. We are not necessarily talking about value in monetary terms. For instance, if you and your family want to spend more time in your backyard on a new patio, then invest the time and effort on that portion first. The outdoor living space will increase your enjoyment of your yard, which is definitely valuable. 

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Here are some parts of a master landscape plan that can be done in phases: 

  • Hardscaping: These structural parts of your property plan include things like patios, walls, walkways or fencing.

  • Plantlife: Trees, shrubs and perennials can be added all at once or in phases depending on where in the yard the plan locates them. 

  • Structures: Pergolas, outdoor fireplaces, decks, grill islands… any of these planned amenities can be added right away or a few years down the line. 

  • Lighting: Beautiful well-placed lights can up the wow factor in your landscaping fast. Installing lighting during the hardscaping phase makes sense if you have room in your budget. 

Behind the Plan

Still not convinced that a master plan is worthwhile? Keep in mind that our designers bring expertise to your plan. We understand how different types of soil affect plants. Our plans take into account the balance of sunlight and shade in your yard. And we offer proven experience with the types of plants that grow and thrive in our climate

A phased Landscape design allows you to: 

  • Make a plan in terms of budgeting. 

  • Do the doable. 

  • Stay within your budget, which can lower stress for you and your family.

  • Make sure you like the direction your yard is heading and course correct if you would prefer changes.

Phased Landscape Design Questions? 

How can we help? We are experts in putting together comprehensive landscaping plans. Contact us and we will schedule an appointment to hear about your dream yard and start to make it a reality.